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Pros and Cons of Online Education

The term of online was not very appealing in 1970s and 1080s just like an airplane in the beginning of the 20th century. Internet was in development stage in early 1990s compared to now and the conventional wisdom about the online courses was different in 1990s than today. We are in the 21st century where everything is possible and acceptable. For example, students are studying at home/work place utilizing computer which is called online schooling/learning.

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NC Vet College Dives Into Lean Training

When organizations —manufacturing or otherwise—engage in Lean training, they’re empowering participants to look at the existing processes and initiate vital changes that will offer lasting, positive impact. NC State’s College of Veterinary Medicine saw improvement across service areas after embracing Lean.

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Course Policies

Registration Policies Course registration for all our courses closes 15 days prior to the course due to the fact that we have to order materials in advance of the class and some classes have prerequisite logistics. Registration is found in the REPORTER system. You...

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