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November 2017 | Issue 11

A resource for continuous improvement in safety and health from the Southeastern OTI Education Center. Stay up-to-date with health and safety, OSHA, HazMat and HAZWOPER news, courses and events.

Take Note

A Letter from the Director

We are delighted to enter into our tenth year as the Southeastern OSHA Training Institute Education Center in partnership with The University of Tennessee, and throughout the next year we will be celebrating 25 years of this national program. We invite you to take a look at our new OTI catalog and our 2018 course calendarto start planning your professional development opportunities for the next year. Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to get to know you!

In the meantime, consider the pursuit of professional development and fun at the NC Safety Congress in Charlotte, NC on November 16–17, 2017, and take a moment to say hello at our booth. I understand the conference will support a sports theme, and I suspect that we will proudly be displaying our NC State colors!

We appreciate your continued partnership,


Wendy Laing


Our Blog

MESHage: No Tricks. Unmasking Confusion Around Competent Person Training.

As always, Halloween was a big deal in my neighborhood this year. A. Really. Big. Deal. Families call in grandma to manage candy distribution at their houses, while mom, dad, all the kids, and even Rover dress up and go trick or treating in blinged-out golf carts with scary sound effects blaring from bluetooth speakers! It is quite the community-wide masquerade!

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Trainer Toolbox for November 2017

  • New Compliance Assistance Products

  • OSHA Fact Sheets Footnote

  • New Video Released from CSB

  • Top 10 List of MFC Violations

Footnote FOOTnotes – For Our Outreach Trainers: Information specific to OSHA Outreach Trainers authorized through the Southeastern OTI Education Center.

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New 2018 Southeastern OTIEC Course Catalog

Make a resolution to get organized about your professional development this coming year, and stick to it with help from our new OTI Course Catalog and 2018 Course Calendar. Are you working toward a MESH certificate? Do you just need to keep your skills and knowledge current? Whatever your goals, the catalog can help you plan around course dates, locations, and credit hours.

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Upcoming Courses

Featured Course:

OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness
December 4 | Greensboro, NC

This course provides an introduction to common health hazards that are encountered in the workplace.

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Featured Course:

8-Hour HAZWOPER for Environmental Professionals
December 6 | Raleigh, NC

This isn’t your usual classroom instruction–you’ll review actual incidents and get a better practical understanding of how to prevent problems on the job site.

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Featured Course:

OSHA #7300 Understanding OSHA’s Permit-Required Confined Space Standard
December 8 | Greensboro, NC

Do you need to develop a permit required confined space program? This course will increase your knowledge of OSHA’s standard, 29 CFR 1910.146.

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Special Events & Reminders

The North Carolina Safety Congress
Nov 16–17 | Charlotte, NC

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