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NC Defense Industry Diversification Initiative (NCDIDI)

The State of North Carolina is home to a diverse military industry, with varied military and defense missions, needs and opportunities.

In a proactive response to changes in federal defense budgets, the North Carolina Defense Industry Diversification Initiative (NCDIDI) was created. The program has been managed through a partnership between NC State Industry Expansion Solutions and the North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

The intended goal is to help companies maximize their growth potential and cybersecurity resiliency while enhancing their strategic development planning and sustainability efforts to see impact beyond the NCDIDI funding period.

This program is funded through a grant awarded by the United States Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation Office.

NCDIDI – Phase I

Phase I of the grant, awarded in March of 2017, was used to develop a supply chain study that prepared service providers and manufacturers for economic diversification. This phase also assisted North Carolina defense industry dependent manufacturers and service providers to transition towards diversifying and becoming more competitive.


In Phase II, the objectives have been to maximize the initial impact of NCDIDI, provide support for advanced manufacturing capabilities to North Carolina companies in the aerospace and defense supply chains, conduct needs assessments and deliver business services to eligible companies.

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