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September 2018 | Issue 16

A resource for continuous improvement in safety and health from the Southeastern OTI Education Center. Stay up-to-date with health and safety, OSHA, HazMat and HAZWOPER news, courses and events.

Take Note

A Letter from the Director


In a dynamic, fast-paced world, the changing of the seasons through the year, and in life, seems to be the one thing we can expect and embrace. We expect days to become shorter and cooler, and embrace the potential for hazardous weather. We expect children to return to school, and embrace school bus safety and empty nests. Planning for these changes is an important skill set of any working adult, and below are a few tips for your seasonal planning:

Be well,


Wendy Laing


Our Blog

MESHage: Clear Out. Restock. Let’s Plan A Resolution Together

Well, we got the kids officially back to school and not a minute too soon! The retail space that just last week was filled with binders, book bags and blunt-tipped scissors has been cleared and re-stocked in record time. After all, December 25 is right around the corner and stores must move quickly to make room for inflatable lawn ornaments.

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Trainer Toolbox for September 2018

  • Respirable Crystalline Silica in Construction FAQs
  • OSHA’s Redesigned Enforcement Webpage
  • Southeastern OTI Education Center’s New Trainer Portal Launched

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Focus On: Respirable Crystalline Silica

Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in the earth’s crust and is found in most building materials like stone, sand, concrete and mortar. When it is agitated by activities such as grinding, sawing, drilling, sandblasting, etc….

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Upcoming Courses

Featured Course:

OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness

Oct 15 | Raleigh, NC

Want the ability to evaluate and abate common biological, chemical and ergonomic health hazards in the workplace?

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Featured Course:

OSHA #2255 Principles of Ergonomics

Oct 15–18

Want the ability to recognize, evaluate, and control workplace conditions that contribute to work-related musculoskeletal and nerve disorders?

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Featured Course:

OSHA #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry

Oct 23–26 | Raleigh, NC

Want the ability to recognize, evaluate, prevent and abate safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry as defined by 29 CFR 1910.146?

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Special Events & Reminders

Sept 18–19 | Durham, NC

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