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Archive - Cybersecurity - NC State University Industry Expansion Solutions - Page 2

  • IoT Devices and Cybersecurity

    You may be asking, what is IoT? IoT stands for the Internet of Things, which in simple terms, is a broad descriptor for the various connected devices (things) that are […]


  • Preparing for Cybersecurity Requirements

    Have you seen cybersecurity requirements listed in contracts for work within your supply chain or government contracts? If you are bidding for DoD or government contracts, you will find cybersecurity […]


  • NCDIDI Fall Kickoff

    NC State Industry Expansion Solutions (IES), a partner in The North Carolina Defense Industry Diversification Initiative (NCDIDI), co-hosted a town hall entitled the “Taking Flight: The NCDIDI Fall Kickoff” on […]


  • mfgCON 2016: What We Learned and Who We Recognized

    The theme of mfgCON 2016 could easily have been “Modern Manufacturing Challenges and How to Meet Them.” In between sessions and during networking coffee breaks over October 18 and 19, I heard folks talking with their peers about pressing issues like employee retention, digital disruptors, and creating culture shift—mfgCON creates a unique space in which we can not only learn about the challenges facing our sector, but really bounce ideas off of one another and hear what has worked, and what hasn’t.


  • Engage in the Conversation of the Century

    Been to a hotel in Japan lately? The helping hands issuing the hotel room keys are no longer human, but the brains that dreamt them up certainly are! Technology and automation are swiftly and inevitably changing the way we live and work.