Course Details:
1 Day, 7.5 Instructional Hours
7.5 MESH Hours (Manager of Environmental Safety and Health)
7.5 PDHs (Professional Development Hours for Engineers)
For location details and single session availability:
About This Course:
The focus of this course is to provide private businesses within general industry with an opportunity to enhance their awareness of the hazards posed by combustible dust. This course will help these industry leaders to gain the knowledge and strategies that can help them to assure employee safety while using or producing materials that generate combustible dust. The course will focus on recognizing the hazards and risks associated with combustible dust, as well as developing the controls and strategies that can help them prevent or mitigate combustible dust fires and explosions. In addition, the course will offer information on the National Emphasis Program (NEP) for combustible dust inspections and OSHA and consensus standards that impact industries that generate combustible dust.
Recommended for:
This course is recommended for owners and managers, supervisors, maintenance and engineering staff, and other employees responsible for safety in the workplace in industries such as food (e.g., candy, sugar, spice, starch, flour, feed), tobacco, plastics, wood, paper, pulp, rubber, furniture, textiles, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dyes, coal, metals (e.g., aluminum, chromium, iron, magnesium, and zinc), and fossil fuel power generation.
Please note, although OSHA recognizes the existence of dust hazards in the grain handling industry (and has a standard for grain handling facilities at 29 CFR 1910.272), this course will not focus on grain handling. Some examples from the grain industry may be used as illustrations of hazards and/or controls.
Participants will:
- Identify combustible dusts
- Recognize the hazards and risks associated with combustible dust
- Learn control methods and standards to help prevent or mitigate combustible dust fires and explosions
- Learn about OSHA’s National Emphasis Program for combustible dust hazards
- Develop a Plan for a Worksite Dust Control and Housekeeping Program
- Develop a Plan to Integrate Dust Control Measures into a Functional Safety Program
Topics include:
- Identifying Combustible Dust Hazards
- Equipment-Related Hazards
- OSHA National Emphasis Program on Dust Explosions
- NFPA 654 – Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions
- Additional NFPA Dust Standards that apply to the prevention of dust explosions and fires in wood, metal, and agricultural and food processing industries
- OSHA Dust Requirements
- Electrical Classification Practices
- OSHA Subpart S – Class II hazardous (classified) locations
- Hazard Identification