Course Details:
1 day, 7.5 Instructional Hours
7.5 MESH Hours – Manager of Environmental Safety and Health – EHS
For location details and single session availability:
About This Course:
This course is intended to update the authorized Disaster Site Worker trainer with new technical and regulatory information related to disaster response and the role of OSHA in coordinating occupational safety and health in the National Response Framework. Participants will have the opportunity to share “lessons learned” from teaching the Disaster Site Worker Course.
Currently Authorized Disaster Site Worker Trainers are required to attend this course once every four years to maintain trainer status.
- Trainers must submit a copy (front & back) of their current trainer card to at the time of registration.
Trainers must renew before or by their expiration date in order to qualify to renew through the OSHA #5602 update class. After they expire, trainers must re-take the OSHA #5600 Trainer Course and qualify as if a new trainer.
Recommended For:
Currently authorized OSHA Disaster Site Worker Outreach Trainers who have previously completed the OSHA #5600 or OSHA #5602 and need to renew their trainer status.
Participants Will:
- Discuss new technical and regulatory information related to disaster response
- Review the role of OSHA in coordinating occupational safety and health in the National Response Framework
- Demonstrate their ability to effectively deliver OSHA disaster site worker training
Topics Include:
- Disaster Work Zone Safety
- Respiratory Protection Update
- Communication Issues
- Maintaining Wellness