March 2018 | Issue 13
A resource for continuous improvement in safety and health from the Southeastern OTI Education Center. Stay up-to-date with health and safety, OSHA, HazMat and HAZWOPER news, courses and events.
Take Note
A Letter from the Director
This time of year, we welcome a new season while hanging onto the remnants of the winter chill. As you move through the transition, consider making a commitment to spruce up your safety and health program, and engage your employees in safety and health:
- National Stand Down to Prevent Falls in Construction—This national event is scheduled for May 7–11, 2018. OSHA has numerous resources available for you to share in a stand down event with your staff, and our organization will be holding a FREE course on May 7,2018 to provide you with a foundation of fall prevention principles and methods to train young workers. Register now →
- Safe + Sound Week—This national event is scheduled for August 13–19, 2018 with an objective to increase the number of small to medium-sized businesses with active safety and health programs. We will share helpful activities each newsletter until the week of the event, but I was very interested to find meaningful tools to strengthen your safety climatethrough leading indicators as shared by CPWR. Take a look and consider incorporating these actions into your workplace.
MESHage: March Madness Takes on Whole New Meaning
The NCAA and 64 college teams think they have ownership of “March Madness,” but I’m here to tell you my family is knee-deep in March Madness and it has nothing to do with basketball! You would think we would have adjusted by now, but my entire household is still reeling from losing that one precious hour of sleep on March 11. Our alarm goes off in the morning, and the dogs still look at each other as if to say, “Wait… what?”
Trainer Toolbox for March 2018
- OSHA Outreach Training Program Changes Going Into Effect Soon!*
- Planning for Better OSHA Outreach Program Training Classes and Recordkeeping*
- Looking for an OSHA 10 or 30 Hour Outreach Class or Trainer? Search no more!
*FOOTnotes – For Our Outreach Trainers: Information specific to OSHA Outreach Trainers authorized through the Southeastern OTI Education Center.
Focus On: 2018 National Safety Stand-Down
According to OSHA, fatalities caused by falls from elevation accounted for 370 of the 991 construction fatalities recorded in 2016.
The National Safety Stand-Down aims to end these preventable fatalities and injuries through fall hazard awareness. During the 2018 Stand-Down, May 7-11, employers are encouraged to initiate conversations with their employees about safety. Any workplace can hold a stand-down by taking a break to focus on fall hazards and reinforce the importance of fall prevention.
The Southeastern OTI Education Center will host a special fall prevention at Greensboro’s Nussbaum Center during the National Stand-Down. Follow @OSHAEdCenter on Twitter to get details as the Stand-Down approaches.
Featured Course:
ISO 14001:2015 Internal Auditor Training
April 3–4 | Raleigh, NC
Start with the 14001:2015 overview and stick around for Day 2! You’ll acquire the skills necessary to perform a successful audit, and get real-life experience working as a member of a functioning audit team during the workshop.
Learn More »
Featured Course:
Practical Project Management
May 8 | Raleigh, NC
Hit the ground running by learning to define and develop objectives, meet a budget, predict and mitigate risks, build a successful team, manage communications and analyze outcomes.
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Featured Course:
ISO FDIS 45001 Internal Auditor Training
June 12–13 | Raleigh, NC
What really makes an effective internal audit? And what makes a really effective internal audit? You’ll find out over the course of this two-day workshop that covers all the ins and outs of auditing occupational health and safety management systems against the new ISO 45001 standard.
Learn More »
Special Events & Reminders
National Safety Stand-Down To Prevent Falls in Construction
May 7–11
88th Annual N.C. Statewide Safety Conference
May 15–18 | Joseph S. Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC
Eastern Carolina Safety and Health School
June 14–15 | New Bern, NC
Safe + Sound Week
Aug 13–19
mfgCON 2018
Sept 18–19 | Durham, NC
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