Kevin Grayson, Assistant Director of Technology Management, Industry Expansion Solutions (IES), is one of thirteen recipients of North Carolina State University’s Outstanding Extension Service Award (OESA) for 2018. Awarded annually, OESA acknowledges outstanding extension, engagement and economic development activities by staff and/or faculty members of NC State.
In response to the new IES strategic direction—one that is more closely aligned with the extension, engagement and economic development goals of NC State’s College of Engineering (COE), Grayson has helped move IES towards engagement with community and economic development partners at a local, statewide and national level.
Grayson’s Innovation Engineering projects, over the past five years, have resulted in 420 jobs being created/retained and $89,485,800 in economic impact for the state of North Carolina. He also serves as project manager for “Embedding NCMEP in the PowerAmerica Pilot Project” grant, playing a key leadership role in the development of the “Train-the-Trainer” program designed to raise awareness and career interest in wideband semiconductor technology for K-16 and beyond.
Earlier in his IES career, Grayson worked with the College of Textiles to help develop Six Sigma training materials and led segments of Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt open enrollment non-credit programs. In addition, since 2010, Grayson has contributed to the instruction and administration of the Human Factors Engineering and Quality Management Systems for Engineers (BME 481) to undergraduate students seeking degrees in Biomedical Engineering through a joint program at NC State and UNC.
Additionally, Grayson participates in annual examiner projects for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and supports the IES North Carolina Award for Excellence (NCAfE) program and partnership with the Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence (TNCPE), contributing as an active TNCPE advisory board member.
Grayson will be recognized at the University Outreach and Engagement Awards ceremony and reception on April 11, 2018.