Automotive suppliers to both German and North American Automotive OEMs will find it easier to meet FMEA customer requirements in the future with a new industry handbook that combines the best practices of both into one guide. That’s right! Creating an AIAG FMEA 4th Edition for American OEMs and VDA 6.3 FMEA for German OEMs is a practice from the past.
This has often led to confusion for companies and adds complexity to the product development and process development activities of suppliers.
AIAG and VDA have joined their efforts and the result is the new AIAG VDA FMEA, 1st Edition which was released in June, 2019. A common set of FMEA requirements will allow suppliers to have a single FMEA process and methods that would meet the needs and expectations of their customers. The new version is a “harmonized” joint publication, which will replace the current AIAG and VDA versions. The new AIAG VDA FMEA 1st Edition has adopted the “best practices” from each version to meet the requirements of both OEM groups, leading to a more structured, 7-step approach allowing risks to be addressed in a comprehensive manner vs. an unfocused brainstorming.
Each OEM has, or will have, their own timeline for implementation of the new AIAG VDA FMEA, 1st Edition. Please review your customer requirements to ensure you allow your organization enough time to roll out the new version in your facility. If you have questions about the new AIAG VDA FMEA, the trained professionals at IES can assist you.