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Archive - Food and Beverage - NC State University Industry Expansion Solutions

  • ISO 9001:2015 Executive Overview

    Assisting leaders of organizations to understand the basic principles of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, as well as their roles and responsibilities during the planning, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the Quality Management System


  • Sustainability

    Reduce Your Environmental Impact and Ensure Environmental Sustainability Sustainability can positively affect your bottom line through cost savings and enhanced marketability. From training and assessments to planning and coaching, NC […]


  • Talking Safety on the Farm

    “Farm life” can evoke an image of fresh air, unrestricted spaces and rewarding hard work.  Yet, farming ranks among the most dangerous industries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that […]


  • Bringing Shelved Strategic Plans Back Into Action

    Bring shelved strategic plans back Into action through our Assets to Action™ approach. Understand how to identify and clarify your community’s strongest assets in relation to its potential for economic development and cut through all the background noise to develop your strategic action plan.


  • Innovation Myths, Part II

    Myth 2. Innovation is only about new products. Certainly, innovation has a long association with new product development. Indeed, innovation methods serve the NPD challenge very well; however, the same steps that we use to innovate new products (or services) can be used to innovate other types of problems, too.